2014年10月26日 星期日

SPD 4459 得獎之選 - 荃灣金裝燉奶佬餐廳 Daniel's Restaurant

又到星期日, 今日為食貓睡得很久, 十一點才起床, 很肚餓呀! 是時候要吃午飯! 先看看雜誌介紹有什麼好吃!
Today is Sunday, I am sleeping until 11:00am and very hungry now, let have a lunch first. Give me a magazine and see where a delicious food has in Tsuen Wan.

! 這一間來頭很勁, 由一間小型的糖水鋪,不斷擴充分店至成為一間具規模的茶餐廳, 我相信它一定很好食的呢 ! 再看看下一頁
Wow, this restaurant is very powerful! In the past; it is only a small dessert shop, but now it is a big Hong Kong style restaurant, I think this restaurant is very good. Let see the second pages.

原來金裝燉奶佬奪了飲食天王的大獎, 這個獎的認受性很高, 因為很多餐廳都想爭奪這個天王寶座, 競爭非常大, 燉奶佬憑著其創意菜式和獨特味道拿到, 一定是技驚四座!
In fact, Daniel's Restaurant got the King of Catering Awards! This prize is very difficult to get due to the keen competition. Their effort in creating the innovative and delicious food are accepted by the public.

那為食貓 今天就試試它吧!
Therefore, let me try this cuisine today. 

在遠處即被那張招牌海報吸引著, 最具創意獎和銀獎
 –  巴基斯坦咖喱
這個菜式能夠奪得兩個大獎, 它的味道肯定是超班,  
In the far sight, I am attracted by this poster – The top innovation and sliver prize – Pakistan curry! This dishes can get two big trophy, it is needless to say that there food is very delicious. Today I must try this cuisine. 

它的咖喱非常, 內裏充滿著巴基斯坦特式香料, 那些牛腩均用上昂貴的新鮮牛腩, 再配搭那些不算太辛辣的咖喱汁真的恰到好處, 非常合香港人口味! 再放在那些油香味的香酥餅上吃, 口中那些咖喱肉汁四濺, 感覺非常新鮮。
The curry is good smell, it include Pakistan flavoring, and the beef brisket are using fresh beef, mix with not too spicy curry which is very match. And then put all the thing into the Naan, all the curry go around your mouth, so interesting.

現在口腔內有點辣, 最適合食甜品去中和一下
A little bit spicy in my mouth, let eat dessert now

就點這個吧 !
Let eat this!

這個黑糖燉奶非常軟滑, 入口即溶, 而且非常有益, 新鮮牛奶充滿鈣質, 而黑糖也較冰糖和黃糖健康, 對於愛美的女性, 不但不會令你體重增加, 反而令你的皮膚變得更 
細緻幼滑, 值得推薦喵!
This king of milk and egg white pudding with black sugar is very nice! It really melts in my mouth. Also this is beneficial to all of us especially girl. It is because it include a lot of calcium and using healthy black sugar which will not let girl become fatter.

總結: 這兩款茶式雖然得了大獎, 但價錢絕不昂貴, 咖喱牛腩連香酥餅只需港幣$51, 而燉奶更只需要付 $21, 吃唒兩大得獎菜式合共不需$100, 學生也能負擔得起, 在這個通脹高企的香港, 簡值是物超所值, 不得不讚燉奶佬是一間良心企業, 支持你呀喵!
Conclusion: Although the above cuisine is getting two big prizes, the price is not expensive. For beef brisket with curry only cost $51 and milk pudding is only cost $21, total is not exceeding $100, a lot of students can afford it! Under the high inflation rate, this cuisine id economical! Let us support them by feet!


味道4                 價錢5                     環境5 (1為最低,5為最高)


TASTE 4           PRICE 5              ENVIRONMENT 5 (1 for lowest, 5 for the highest marks)

G/F 63, 65 Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan

Edited by Chris Wong
- Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

