2014年10月9日 星期四

SPD4459 為食貓之最喜愛菜式排行榜 The voting of favourite cuisine in Yummy Cat

SPD4459 為食貓之最喜愛菜式排行榜
Our Favorite Cuisine Ranking list 


After introducing many restaurant and food to all of you, let me conclude first.


After the exciting voting period, we can release the ranking to all of you. Will the hot item of Pizza and Sushi will win this prize?

The result is

第一位: 火鍋(17)
No.1 Hot pot (17 votes)



Our most favorite cuisine is hot pot which get 17 votes, it is far from other competitor ! As an old saying goes 'Hong Kong people like hot pot so much' is definitely right.
Although we haven't introduce the hot pot restaurant in TW, don't worried. We will introduce it as soon as possible, please follow us regularly !!  

第二位: 壽司(9)
No.2 Sushi (9 votes)

為食貓推介真味日本料理 Makotoaji

首先恭喜火鍋選手榮登冠軍寶座,而壽司順利登上第二位呢個寶座! 為食貓亦有大家推介過真味日本料理, 鐘意壽司而又仲未幫襯ge你要快d去試試喔

Congratulate hot pot becoming the champion and sushi restaurant becoming the first runner up. We have tried this restaurant and introduced to all of you. Please try it !!

第三位: 亞洲菜(7)
NO.3 Asia Cuisine (7 votes)
為食貓推介金坊泰國美食Golden Thai


亞洲菜為為食貓選出之第三位,亞洲ge範圍其實好大,佢地的菜式種類多到嚇死人!!! 難怪佢地可以成為各位心目中ge前三位。荃灣為食貓曾經為大家介紹過的正正就係泰國菜,既然亞洲菜上得頭三位,我地一定會更努力搜羅更多亞洲菜式,請大家拭目以待 ; )

Asia cuisine is our third winner. The boundaries of Asia is very large and it have many type of cuisine.Yummy cat have introduced the Thailand cuisine before. We will try our best to find more to all of you !

第四位: 麵食(6)

No.4 Noodle (6 votes)


1. 魚鱻魚湯專門店


2. 正宗山西刀削麵皇

3. 意粉屋


第五位: 牛排(5)

No.5 Steak (5 votes)


第六位: 中菜(4)

No.6 Chinese cuisine (4 votes)


1. 源記打冷海鮮小廚

2. 聯發燒臘飯麵家


第七位: Pizza(2)

No.7 Pizza (2 votes)

Edited by Chris Wong and Hugo Yip

