SPD4459 荃灣為食貓之回饋感謝祭 + 漢陽苑九折優惠
SPD4459 Yummy Cat’s Thanksgiving Day + Han-yang Won Korean Restaurant -
discount of 10%
months have unnoticeably passed, it’s time to come to a conclusion.
Since we started creating the blog, it goes up and down. At the beginning, we could not even search our blog on Google. However, we become just slightly famous and thank you for all your efforts in viewing our blog.
我地而家的總瀏覽次數有26640,黎緊仲會keep住升架。能夠有呢個成績,吾單止要多謝各位組員ge努力,仲有你地ge家人啦,男女朋友啦,死黨啦,中小學同學啦等,煩到你地真係吾好意思,係度向你地say sorry。
The total number of pages viewed on our blog has reached 26640 and it will keep increasing in the future. Thank you so much to the contribution of all teammates for your hard work in making this result. Apart from you guys, I’d also like to thank our family members, boyfriends & girlfriends, best friends as well as primary and secondary school classmates. We apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused you.
criticisms and suggestions can motivate us to continue writing our blog and suggesting
various cuisines to others.
How far
are we willing to go for our blog? Our female teammates do not fear of gaining
weight and try hard to eat as much as possible. The happiest thing, of course
is the hot pot dinner at Giant Seafood Hot Pot. Actually I can still remember
that All-you-can eat dinnerXDD.
many thanks for your support.
感謝之餘, 為食貓亦會介紹優惠俾大家。近排天氣凍左吾少呀,大家除左打邊爐之外,其實仲有其他選擇嘛,吾知大家仲諗到咩?無錯,就係去漢陽苑食韓燒。大家試下幻想下,香噴噴ge肉,放落口一咬,d肉汁bit晒出黎,oh個種感覺真係難以形容!
from thanksgiving, it’s yummy cat’s promotion time again. The weather is
getting cold, take care of yourself. Apart from hot pot, there are many
different kinds of choices. It’s Korea barbecue. Let's imagine for a moment
that meat juice spill in your mouth when you put the meat in your mouth. Oh, it’s
an indescribable feeling.
stop imagining the meat and following yummy cat to Han-yang Won Korean
Restaurant to have a try.
remember this offer is valid for dine-in regular-priced items only and you must
present the coupon before checking the bill. It's also valid for Tsuen Wan
by Hugo Yip
Internet marketing and Public Relations