2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 為食貓優惠 - Burger King 11時後送香脆雞塊 Coupon

又到HAPPY FRIDAY啦,為食貓接到朋友話老麥個麥樂雞好似唔同左味?唔係掛,應該換哂d過期黑心肉啦喎...>_<|||
It's happy Friday again. Yummy Cat has received a news that the McNuggets from Mcdonald is different than before.

唔怕!為食貓為大家介紹既係BURGER KING漢堡王既雞塊,大家不妨試下會唔會好食過麥記啦!
So that, we introduce you guys to try the chicken nuggets from burger king.

3 nuggets are free if you buy any meal after 11 p.m. In Tsuen Wan Nam Fung Centre.

- Edited by Winnie Tong
SPD4459 Internet marketing and Public Relations

