2014年10月21日 星期二

SPD4459 熱辣辣之最想試食火鍋店排行榜 HOT! Voting for the most favorite Hot Pot restaurant you want to try

經過我們一星期的投票之後, 邊一間會成為最多人想試食的火鍋店呢?
After the voting activities, which restaurant can be the most favourite one?
The result has been released, do you know which restaurant?

第一位 大鍋口海鮮火鍋店 Giant Seafood Hot Pot

首先恭喜大鍋口海鮮火鍋店! 有超過五成食家都想試食呢間火鍋店
Congratulation to Giant Seafood Hot Pot! More than 50% people want to try this hotpot restaurant. The reasons are variety of choice and ALL you can eat.

第二位 一品雞煲火鍋 The Great Restaurant

在眾多雞煲選擇中脫穎而出, 一品雞煲火鍋定必有其獨特之處
招牌雞煲和鮮製墨魚滑已經在市民中有極佳口啤, 所以一品能夠成為
The Great Restaurant is a good restaurant in chicken hot pot and special mashed
Squid, therefore it can be a first runner up restaurant.

第三位 牛涮鍋 Mou Mou Club

The third is Mou Mou Club, it is because the comfortable environment and the high quality of food. We highly recommend.

至尊重慶雞煲 Supreme Restaurant

大煲皇煮廚 Tai Po King Restaurant

既然大鍋口海鮮火鍋店那麼受大家歡迎, 昨天我們為食貓就親身到
現場大吃大喝! (待續…)

Many people choose Giant Seafood Hot Pot as their first choice, therefore
We tried this restaurant yesterday. (Continually…)

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