2014年9月28日 星期日

SPD4459 為食貓全力推薦的港式茶餐廳—蘭香茶餐廳 Highly recommended Hong Kong style restaurant from Yummy Cat - Lan Heung Restaurant

Highly recommended Hong Kong style restaurant from Yummy Cat - Lan Heung Restaurant

Hello everyone. It’s time for me to recommend food again. What I am going to introduce today is a Hong Kong Style restaurant in Tsuen Wan.

I have arrived the entrance. The door is old school style like 80’s

After queuing up there for a long time, I can enter into the restaurant! Many people are in here!

喵先看看餐牌, 再問問店主, 他說識食的一定選午餐B, 因為這個餐是全場最好吃的!而且價錢是最便宜的!我一定要試試啦喵!
Let see the menu and ask the waiter what is the best choice in this restaurant. He suggests “Set B” and say this set is the most delicious and economical. 

最先送上來的是香噴噴的絲襪奶茶, 茶葉用上最名貴的錫蘭紅茶, 而奶就用上著名的黑白淡奶,兩者融為一體,茶味與奶味配合得天衣無縫,非常非常好味呀喵!
‘Silk-stocking’ milk tea is coming, the tea are using ‘Ceylon’ tea and the milk are using ‘Black&White’ milk. The proportion of the tea and the milk are proper, the taste is so good!

When drinking the milk tea, the gold toast is coming. This toast is full of butter and the bread is very brittle and soft. It is the best toast in Hong Kong! Very good taste!

The last one is noodle – BBQ pork with spaghetti. The taste mix with sour and sweet and the size is quite big. I’m so full now and no need to have dinner at night.

最後評語: 他們的主打菜只需$28,非常抵食!值得大家一試呀喵!
The last comment: Their main dishes only cost $28, it is so cheap. I suggest all of you go to try it !

地址: 荃灣新村街36號地下G/F, 36 San Tsuen Street, Tsuen Wan


味道5                 價錢5                     環境2 (1為最高,5為最低)


TASTE 5           PRICE 4              ENVIRONMENT 3 (1 for lowest, 5 for the highest marks)

-Edited by Chris Wong
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

