2014年10月28日 星期二


It’s time for making ranking list. After a few days’ voting, let’s see which restaurants are popular.

第一名 拉麵台風
The first prize Ramen Taifu

Ramen is not only popular in Japan, but also in Hong Kong, people love it more than other restaurants. Highly recommend.

第二名 雲貴川
The second prize Yunnan Guizhou & Sichuan Noodle

從第二名的成績來看這家店把雲南風味做得更勝一籌,小編也通過他的文筆向大家展現了米線有多好吃O(_)O 強烈推薦喵
This restaurant makes Guizhou & Sichuan taste become popular in Hong Kong people, writer also shows its delicious through his article.

第三名 Kokio 韓式料理
The third prize Kokio Korean restaurant

The materials inputs from Korean make the food become the real one in Korea. Recommend

第四名 贊和豆品

I think people know how delicious the tofu is, and this is restaurant which you must go.

這裡就是本次的排行榜內容~\(≧▽≦)/~ 謝謝大家的支持我們下次見

Here are all the content of ranking. See you next time. 

-Edited by Zhang Kan
 Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

